The mirror of Kozyrev is an invention by astrophysicist Kozyrev. The mirror of Kozyrev is a cylinder, made of aluminium, which opens a time-space channel by its inherent size, surface conditioning and placement. The wild assertion is confirmed by numerous scientific experiments with hundreds of volunteers and by the scientific theory of one of the greatest astrophysicists of the last century, Nikolay Kozyrev.
Experiments with the mirror of Nikolay Kozyrev
The experiments of Russian scientists are performed in the nineties and their results are quite interesting. Based upon Kozyrev’s findings they built an aluminium cylinder, since this cylinder is made by materials that reflect the Time Radiation for 100%. This way, it should be possible to people in a Kozyrev mirror to receive pure mental information from other areas of the earth and the universe.
The research is done by the astrophysicist Kozyrev and Russian scientists. Knowledge was discovered of modern biology about the substance dimethyltryptamine, the functioning of the epiphysis, different cultures, as the Egyptian culture during the periods of the Pharaohs, notes on the Ka-body and the so called etheric double.
We know that the epiphysis produces dimethyltryptamine (DMT) from melatonin. DMT is a hallucinating substance. This is called hallucinating, because the reality people are describing under the influence of this substance, is experienced to be an illusion. These experiences don’t fit in the western line of reasoning of the reality and thus they are rejected. In the mirror of Kozyrev these story lines can come together. The mirror is a cylinder that is as high as a grown up person and you enter it. Inside this mirror is a special (torsion) field, with a different time space, the field stimulates the epiphysis and communication with the higher worlds is possible. Research has found the possibility of a profound power of telepathy. The stimulation of the mirror on the epiphysis enhances the silver cord. In this process we experience the Ka-body. The Egyptians have all sorts of exercises to do this, as their goal is to sent energy to the Ka-body. The Egyptians were searching for eternal life, like the Chinese and the alchemists in the west. The mirror is capable of giving us certain insights in our own life and help finding more vitality/health.
The Kozyrev mirror we’re using is completely different from the existing Kozyrev mirrors. Our Kozyrev mirror is connected to frequency equipment and is therefore creating a much more deep effect than with the already existing Kozyrev mirror. The mirror works both spiritual and physical and gives many people a tingling and vitalizing effect. This mirror enables us to release our consciousness of strict beliefs we learned ourselves, or were taught by our parents, grandparents, ancestors, schools, media etc. The mirror can broaden our horizon, a new framework of references, making us free from rigid patterns/thoughts. This is capable of giving us a completely new life with totally different perceptions. Meaning that old stress-patterns can be cleaned out and as a result we start to feel better/more vital and this again will reflect in our daily lives and situations at home and at work, in a much more positive course of everything.
The mirror has different influences on each of us, because we all have our own specific frequency (vibration of our cells). Every human being is unique. The effects may soon be visible for one person, while it may take a while for someone else. The same goes for the feeling of perception. Some people notice and feel something after just one session at the mirror and another person notices something after multiple times. The mirror can act as a gigantic spiritual, physical and emotional life-rollercoaster. The mirror can make us feel younger, better, happier and extremely good.