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Hyaluronzuur met Botulinetoxine 100ml is € 90,00 en 250 ml €200,00


Deze Hi-Tech Hyaluronzuur-Botulinetoxine serum/elixer heeft opmerkelijke antioxiderende en ontgiftende eigenschappen op het gebied van huidverslapping en rimpels. Ook kan het helpen bij het voorkomen van het dieper worden van de rimpels. Dit serum/elixer wordt ten sterkste aanbevolen ter voorkoming en veroudering van de huid. De Prijs voor 100ml is € 90,00 en voor 250ml is €200,00



17% Off

HVR Formula with TA65, Carbon and procaine


H V R Formula with TA65 and Carbon/carbon and procaine

H V R FORMULA is a liquid nutritional supplement.

Ingredients: Purified water, Carbon/carbon 0approx 400PPM, salts, TA 65, Astragaloside/Cyclastragenol, Ormus/White Powder Gold, Procaine, Argireline, DHEA, Hyaluronic Acid, Nicotiamide Mononucleotion, Hydroxylapatite, Wild Yam, Iodine, Aloe Vera, Ormus, vitamin C, magnesium, Echinecea and Amino acids. Minerals and trace elements (the most important): Sulfur, bromide, lithium, boron, carbon, vanadium, chromium, selenium, manganese, iron, nickel, cobalt, tin, chloride, sodium, magnesium, potassium, silicon, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, molybdenum, copper, zinc, indium and many others. HVR FORMULA is free from yeast, lactose, preservatives, synthetic fragrances, colors and flavors.

Temporary offer 2x200ml with €50 discount
Also take a look at the important indispensable mineral complex that we have, which can also be ordered in combination with the HVR Formula. The Mineral Complex will greatly strengthen the effect of the HVR Formula. With the combination of the HVR Formula and the Mineral Complex, this will work towards rejuvenation even faster. You can assume that anyone who gets or has gray hair suffers from a mineral deficiency. The HVR Formula in combination with The Mineral Complex works well against gray hair and there is a good chance that your gray hair will regain its original color.

A 200 ml bottle is sufficient for approximately 4 months, 1000 ml (1 liter) is sufficient for almost 2 years for 1 person, costs are € 22.00 per month (savings of € 275.00).

10% Off

HVR formula and Mineral Booster Complex 200ml


HVR formula and mineral complex 200ml
€225.00 €250.00

H V R Formula with TA65 and Carbon/ carbon and procaine 200ml + Colloidal Mineral Complex 200ml. Normally 250 euros, now temporarily with a 25 euro discount.

6% Off

HVR formula and Mineral Booster Complex 200ml (kopie)


HVR formula and mineral complex 200ml
€225.00 €250.00

H V R Formula with TA65 and Carbon/ carbon and procaine 200ml + Colloidal Mineral Complex 200ml. Normally 250 euros, now temporarily with a 25 euro discount.


Colloïdaal Germanium 80PPM


Colloidal Germanium 80PPM

Germanium to detoxify the body. This is done in a simple manner without having to put in any effort. The PPM content of the Germanium is around 80 PPM. Contents 500 ml and the price is € 50.00.


Mineral booster Complex supplement


Colloidal Mineral Complex


Colloidal Copper, Iron, Zinc, Tantalum, Tin, Indium, Manganese, Chromium and Cobalt. (all 99.99% pure and colloidal). Experience is that anyone who has gray hair has a deficiency of minerals and trace elements, so it can also bring back your original hair color. And if you think a little further than your nose long is, you will realize that the regeneration process (rejuvenation) has begun and will have a positive effect on all fronts on both body and mind. To achieve the best results, it is recommended to also use the HVR Formula. The price for 200 ml is € 100.00


Mineral booster Complex supplement (kopie)


Colloidal Mineral Complex


Colloidal Copper, Iron, Zinc, Tantalum, Tin, Indium, Manganese, Chromium and Cobalt. (all 99.99% pure and colloidal). Experience is that anyone who has gray hair has a deficiency of minerals and trace elements, so it can also bring back your original hair color. And if you think a little further than your nose long is, you will realize that the regeneration process (rejuvenation) has begun and will have a positive effect on all fronts on both body and mind. To achieve the best results, it is recommended to also use the HVR Formula. The price for 200 ml is € 100.00


Colloidal Hair Growth Formula/ Colloidaal haargroei Formula


De Haargroei Formule is er op gebaseerd dat de haarwortels van binnenuit weer geactiveerd worden waardoor men een vollere haardos krijg en ook haar wat meer glanst en soepeler wordt. Nu tijdelijk tot eind oktober voor de introductie prijs van € 80,00 de normale verkoop prijs wordt na 31 oktober geldig en is dan 125,00 Euro


Methylene Blue/Methylene Blue with Carbon/Carbon


We supply pure 1% solution Methylene blue (food grade) with carbon/carbon and it possesses bactericidal and fungicidal properties for the treatment of external bacterial and fungal infections in fish, as well as some skin parasites – such as ichthyophthyrus. Applied with Aeromonosis, Branchomycosis, Gyrodactylosis, Ichthyophthyriosis, Kostioze, Plistoforosis, Saprolegniosis, Hilodonellosis, Tetrahymenosis, Trikhodiniosis, works partially on ectoparasites. The drug is used in the form of 2 ml 1% solution per 10 l of water, the treatment period is up to 1 month. At the end of the treatment, activated carbon filters are used to remove the blue from the aquarium water. One bottle of methylene blue contains 100ml


Wimperserum groei/Eyelash serum Growth


Een natuurlijke manier voor vollere, langere, mooiere en sterkere wenkbrauwen en wimpers te krijgen. Je doet 1 druppel op jouw vinger en tipt deze aan met een vinger van jou andere hand en dan smeer je het op je wenkbrauwen en wimpers. Een flesje van 70ml kost € 50,00


Collagenial (containing collagen plus Hydroxyproline, Argireline, Hyaluronic Acid, Shilajit, colloidal copper and Carbon)


Fish collagen is the purest form of collagen and has a structure similar to that of human skin. This is why Collagenial contains fish collagen plus a number of other substances, including Hydroxyproline, Argireline, Hyaluronic Acid, Shilajit, colloidal copper, Carbon, silicon, MTC powder and Alaria Esculenta (brown seaweed). 500 ml € 60,00

Colloidal Indium


Colloidal Indium is made from indium of the highest quality (99.99%) and very pure water. It is a true colloid, which means you are using the real pure Indium! These microscopic indium particles are 20 nanometres in size and have a concentration of 10 ppm. 500 ml costs € 50.00

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